Publish date of my new book!

Side hustles: A crash course of how to make money on the side will be released on the 24th February 2023.
I think most authors would agree that by the time you've done your first draft and the many, many self edits, it is a relief. You've gone over it so many times you are practically sick to death of reading your own work!
Going forward, the boom will be sent to an editor (just in case) and it will be time for some marketing pre launch.
During this time, I barely have any time to write, I just jump into another role that takes all of my time. Whilst I initially feel like a bream from writing would be nice, by the end of it I'm itching to jump back onto the keyboard!
There are at least 13 projects sitting on my shelf (I know, an unlucky number). Whilst it is good practice to keep relevant and have at least one published book a year, it becomes much more difficult when trying to complete a epic fantasy book! Only time will tell whether I will release a small piece of work alongside working on this mammoth of a project or become a hermit for the next few years focusing on The Zenith of Ruha...